On Sun, 04 Apr 2010 12:55:19 +0100, s...@funkygibbins.me.uk said:

> Case in point: I emailed the Labour candidate for our area about the 
> Digital Economy Bill some time ago and still have not had a reply, 
> presumably because she is not prepared to go against the party line

Point out to her that this is still (allegedly) a democracy, and her job
is to represent her constituents' views in Parliament rather than to
represent her party's views to you. In other words, if she has three
letters against the DEB and one  in favour, her job is to vote against it
regardless of a) her personal opinion or b) her party's opinion.

I feel very strongly about this too: I resent my MP - who I mostly have a
reasonable opinion of - telling me what his party line is regarding
various issues. That view should be completely irrelevant.

Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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