
John Carlyle-Clarke wrote:
> I like the idea of a Blandford meeting very much, but it looks likely
> that I'll be in Saudi on the date in question so I'll probably have to
> abstain from voting.

And Terry's away in California, so his accomplaces will also be missing.
And the BUnix lot are tied up completing their project by Friday 7th so
they probably wouldn't show.  And there's been little response to the
"let's vote on it".

Would delaying the meeting by a week help?  So 11th or 12th of May?

Also, what day would folks prefer?  It's nominally the "Dorchester"
meeting, Tuesday, but we can change that too if it helps attendance.

> I spoke to a couple of pubs - the Crown Hotel and the Railway Arms -
> on the phone.  The Crown sounded quite good - plenty of space, free
> wifi, and happy to have us there.  ...  To my mind the Crown is the
> best bet - they have fresh coffee and decent beer (so I'm told).  They
> also have car parking for patrons.

The car park helps a lot for those unfamiliar with Blandford.  The Crown
Hotel is


and the car park can be seen at the bottom of the curve of River Mews.
Apparently, you get a token to let you out of the car park from the bar.

> I should say that both pubs have security cameras, as I know this
> affects some people's decisions.

Nutters!  :-)


Next meeting: Unknown
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