Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Hi again,
>> Depending on the coverage of Unicode in the font you're using, you may
>> find some glyphs (characters) are replaced with your font's one for
>> "missing glyph".
> To see what it *should* look like, see
>     http://www.mail-archive.com/dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk/msg01446.html
> mail-archive.com has converted all the different encodings to utf-8.
> The "official" Mailman archive also does that,
>     https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/private/dorset/2010-April/010201.html
> but generates a web page that claims
>     <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
> so it's up to your browser whether it believes the header or spots that
> it's probably utf-8 as it isn't us-ascii.
> Cheers,
> Ralph.
Hi Ralph and Andrew

Thanks for the all info, it made sense once I twigged what was happening 
as both replies showed different characters! I've tried changing the 
fonts between ISO and UTF and looked at the link.
Decided to use UTF08 for now but may change again later as Ralphs first 
reply was all over the place, nothing like the link showed.  Strange as 
I'd not noticed it until recently when more e-mails gave strange results.

Will copy the link contents to my documents area for future reference.



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