Hi Bob,

> Please no! NOT minicom!

It's what I've used on Linux in the past.

> It's possibly the worst VT100 emulator I have even encountered and has
> the crankiest confiuration system.  Why can only root change and save
> parameters, why can't you set parameters on the command line ?

True, they're all good criticisms of it.

>   $ picocom -b <baudrate> /dev/ttyS0

Seems I must have installed its Ubuntu package sometime in the past.  I
still chat to my modem occasionally, I use it to record phone calls, so
I'll be trying picocom in future.

BTW, socat(1), a better netcat(1), can talk to serial ports, e.g.

    socat - /dev/ttyS0,raw,echo=0,crnl

connects stdio to ttyS0.  All the normal termios(3) settings can be
specified.  Given socat can talk TCP, etc. too, you can use it to do all
kinds of things.  One example from socat(1), create a proxy PTY for a
real PTY on a remote machine over ssh, i.e. use a modem-expecting
program on this machine when the modem is really connected to your
office machine on their phone line.

    socat pty,link=/tmp/vmodem0,raw,echo=0,waitslave \
        exec:'ssh office socat - /dev/ttyS0,nonblock,raw,echo=0'


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