On Fri, 2010-08-06 at 20:43 +0100, Peter Merchant wrote:
> What does anyone recommend. I want to backup selected files/directories
> from my data disk. Been meaning to do this for months.

As a simple archive of old files after they've been deleted by mistake,
the best solution I've found is backintime:

It's like rsync, but it hard-links identical files (between backup runs)
in order to save space.  Makes it ideal for home systems.  It also means
you can run your backups as often as you like without space penalty.


For resilience in the face of disk errors, try RAID1 mirroring your
disks.  The easiest way to do that is to decide to do it before
installing. :-)

The only pain point with it is that upgrading disks to bigger sizes
becomes more of a rigmarole than it otherwise would have been.  If you
have gnome-disk-utility installed that will also tell you when a disk
needs replacing.


I use backintime *and* RAID1 together, and occasionally store an
encrypted hard disk's worth of backups "off-site".


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