On Friday 08 Oct 2010, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> > We are able to provide facility within the university and hopefully
> > some  budding students!
> Previous DLUG ones took place at the Uni, I think.

As I am one of the few members still active from those times, I can confirm 
that we used one of the Wallisdown computer labs when we did our Install days.  
As I recall, it was on the third floor (but my memory isn't what it was :-) ).

In those days, installing Linux could be really hard, as opposed to being 
reputedly hard.  We used to get lots of people coming.  Then distro installers 
got better, driver support got better and Linux installations became easier 
than Windows, so the demand fell off.  That's why we stopped.

As for an install workshop; what is done would depend of the goal.  The 
Install days were about getting newbies up and running, so many of them would 
bring their machines to the Uni and we would install their choice of Linux for 
them (we did bias this by limiting the number of distro CDs we had available, 
to avoid too much egg on face).

An install workshop is a bit different in some respects.  If I've understood 
Bryn's project correctly he wants a core of people to be able to learn how to 
install Linux on a variety of platforms (eg desktop, laptop, various 
manufacturers, etc) so that his 'community resource' will be able to continue 
the good work.  (Is that right Bryn?)

If this is the case, then the workshop would need to cover two aspects; a 
(very short) segment that covered the actual act of installation, and a much 
longer troubleshooting segment that covered the corner cases where the 
installation failed for some reason.  The troubleshooting segment would need 
to include how to find out the answers to problems, (which would include 
asking this list of course).

> > I am just wondering if we should/could pool efforts on this one.
> I'd have thought so.  No point holding two.

I think it's a good idea and I'm happy to help if needed.

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

Next meeting:  Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum, Tuesday 2010-11-02 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
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