On 18/11/10 15:05, Peter & Jill Harris wrote:

Thanks for responses.  I'm sure it was rm -rf ~/ .shotwell/Examples.  I
restored /etc, /home and /usr/local in that order using Simple Backup,
the backups were on a separate hard disk.  Thanks for offer to assist if
I lived in the Poole area John but I live in Swanage.  If all else fails
I have copies of most of my folders on a separate hard disc but they are
not up to date and I would lose all the cataloguing from about 500

Peter, try Knoppix CD, it has Testdisk on it


Which can recover lost files, but the more you write to the disk, the less chance of recovering the files.

ls ~/ will list your home directory, and as long as you are not root, shouldn't have touch /etc etc.

You often see

alias rm='rm -i'

in .bash_profile for a good reason, especially under root.


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