On 09 December 2010 at 07:47 "d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk" <d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk>

> There is only one problem.  I can stick a CD in the hole and open it using any
> decent burning program, such as k3b or Brasero on Linux or Nero or Roxio on
> Winblows.  I can then add my files and burn a new image.  What I don't know is
> how to copy the boot sector of the original image.  If I copy the CD in its
> entirety, that comes as part of the deal.  If I build a new image as described
> above, all I get is a data CD.
We now have a method of doing this using TKZip in Windows (or some other similar
tool in Linux) to unpick the files from the compressed parts of the  ISO and
mkisofs (under cygwin in Windows) to create the new ISO once the additional
files have been added.
Terry Coles
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