I'll go to both locations on Tuesday and may bring Ian as well. Peter is busy so if Steve want a lift please reply ASAP.

Clive Wills

On 03/07/11 08:50, Terry Coles wrote:
On Friday 01 Jul 2011, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Someone on IRC who doesn't normally pub said they were within walking
distance of 'spoons too and would turn up if it was there.

Well.  OK.

I make that two who would only go to Blandford, three who will only go if it's
Bournemouth and two who would do either.

However, that's only counting those who have expressed a preference and on
those figures works out at only four in Blandford and five to Bournemouth.

Those numbers are still not huge and we normally get far more at Bournemouth.
I think my colleague Paul will come to either and Ralph often turns up at
Bournemouth, but I think it's only fair to the north and western contingents
to be sure so I'm suggesting a last minute Poll:

Please put a YES or NO next to the following statements:

I will definitely be going if the Meeting is in Bournemouth on Tuesday.  Yes

I will definitely be going if the Meeting is in Blandford on Tuesday.  Yes

Answers by this time tomorrow please.

My answer is YES to both.

Well, we elected you leader in your absence.  Weight of office is a
heavy burden to bear but a decision is required.  :-)


Next meeting:  TBD, ???day 2011-07-?? 20:00
Meets, Mailing list, IRC, LinkedIn, ...  http://dorset.lug.org.uk/
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