OK found out how to switch this off. Still no idea how they got it no as you have to answer questions which they would not understand! For info it is a small icon next to the switch-off icon bottom right at login screen. It looks like a man with outstretched arms. Several boxes were ticked, removed all and now working fine.

*C A Wills*

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On 15/11/11 16:07, Clive A Wills wrote:
Hi all

Have a problem on a friends old Laptop at the login screen:- top left shows a graphical keyboard, centre the normal user selection logins BUT key presses have to be for 1 sec each character (which is a pain).
Tried to delete the graphical k'board but it disabled the keyboard!
Tried looking in the system menu but nothing unusual. Then thought it is only at Login the fault is there. Once logged in all is normal. Must be to do with Grub?? We think they may have pressed some key combination that have caused this, tried all sorts of key presses but nothing.
Not seen this before so any ideas please.

Using Ubuntu 11.04

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