Hi all
Hope you all had a very good Christmas and not too 'stuffed', wish you a very happy and hopefully prosperous New Year.

I've decided that one of the projects for next year is to re-arrange/re-do my small home network, as I've been having little niggles with how it's set up at present; but I do not know enough details of networking and making it 'safe'; so here's a request.

Is there anyone on list who is near enough to Wimborne who would be willing to come and teach me more about networks while setting up my system please?

Ideally it would be either 1 or 2 afternoons or evenings (I'm retired so available!) for a couple of hours; there is also the possibility of my next door neighbor also sitting in to learn! So it could be a small 'workshop' type of situation!

I think most of the problems are in the setting up of the router and inter-connections.

Anyone interested please reply off list with possible suggestions or dates so I can arrange times ect.

The network contains:
1 desktop PC (Ubuntu 10.10)
2 laptops - Ubuntu 11.10 and old Windows XP( which will be replaced with Linux)
Wireless Router ('G' at moment but hope to change to 'N' later)
2 Printers, a HP Laserjet 5P (always on) and a HP Colour all in one print, scan & copy (on when required) The 5P is through a 3 port Edimax print server (2 USB's available) as it has a parallel connection; the other is ethernet connected to the router.
At a later date I may like to connect to a new 'smart' TV.

Wireless connection is WEP2 and not broadcast, has MAC address filtering enabled but does not have fixed IP's. One problem is that the 2 printers often have the same IP address and confusion exists when both are switched on! Talktalk will not give a fixed IP address to the router which is switched off to reset connection every 2 months at midnight.
Any other info required please ask.

Any takers?

*Clive Wills*

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