On Sat, 15 Dec 2012 13:26:55 +0000, d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk said:

> Anyone got a good bash incantation for removing apostrophes in lots of
> file- names? 

My first thought on reading the above was "not in bash" (so I didn't

Yes, it *can* be done in bash, as others have ably demonstrated, but why
put such a restriction on the solution? To be honest, using bash to deal
with filenames that includes spaces, apostrophes and similar quickly
becomes laborious.

I had a very similar problem over the weekend: I want to rebuild my music
collection (mostly .flac files), in a artist/album/track hierarchy, and I
wanted to use the flac metadata comments to derive those details. That
meant that my script would automatically build the correct directory tree
and populate it. However, many files were tagged with names that included
apostrophes, which I didn't want. It was trivial to remove them as part
of a script - I used Python, but Perl could probably manage it too. But
bash? I wouldn't waste my time trying.

So, after all that, my question is: why did you restrict the answers you
wanted to bash (I'm not criticising that restriction, but I am curious)?
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