> On 12 August 2013 at 08:54 Clive Wills <ecwi...@talktalk.net> wrote:

> Last night my laptop cover/screen broke again for the second time at the
> hinge. (Dell Inspiron 1525) It cost over £80 to repair last time and the
> same has happened this time, it looks as if the hinge puts a strain on
> the cover. As the laptop is getting old I'm thinking of a new one but
> what to get? Intel i3 with 300-500Gb drive, good screen and either HDMI
> or VGA output for the projector, SD card slot and Intel wireless N.
> I use it as my main PC, nothing special requiring speed or high graphics
> other than camera pictures, (minor improvements, cropping and aperture
> adjustments).
> Price range £200-£400 and wondered about a Tablet but it must have a
> keyboard, I can't get on with 'on screen' ones (Paul's Asus Transformer
> looked good but not now available).
> Does anyone know what to avoid as some of the specs I'm not sure on as
> it will only be running Linux (do not want M$!!!). It needs to run
> LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, and Digikam; I'm on Mint 14 cinnamon
> at moment.
> Keen on NovaTec as it's local (Portsmouth) and they give good service
> but don't know anything about Linux. HP, Acer and Asus seem to be OK but
> have heard of some problems with Linux on some models.
> Any help please?

I shouldn't write off Novatech too soon; they may not support Linux themselves,
but they sell most of their machines OS free and their forums are very lively.
 When I bought my Netbook from them I was able to discover if it supported Linux
by putting the right search terms in.

Terry Coles
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