I've set up an initial use of rsync for making a mirror-type backup and I'd like some advice to improve it, please.

1.  Does rsync verify the copies it makes?

2.  What non-user directories should I exclude?  My initial command is:

   sudo rsync -azvv --delete --exclude=/tmp/
   --exclude=/home/john/Downloads/ --exclude=/home/john/GM2
   --exclude=/home/evelyn/Downloads/ --exclude=proc/ --exclude=dev/
   --exclude=mnt/ --exclude=media/ --exclude=sys/    /
   '/media/john/Ubuntu Backup/Mirror-backup'

3.  How many v's should I use, e.g -azv?

4. I (user john) couldn't copy the .thunderbird subdirectories of user evelyn. Why not? I ran with sudo and other items copied OK. Temporarily, I've changed their permissions.

Thanks in advance.

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