On 26/11/15 09:36, Terry Coles wrote:
On Thursday 26 November 2015 09:28:25 Peter Merchant wrote:
On 26/11/15 08:40, Terry Coles wrote:

Hot off the press today is the launch of the latest Raspberry Pi Model.
However, this isn't another hardware refresh with a bit more RAM, a few
more clock cycles and maybe some additional I/O.

Instead, this goes the other way.  RAM size is back to 512 MB, CPU is back
to single core and the I/O is reduced.  The difference?  Over £20 quid
LESS than the last model!  (And it's much smaller.)

See https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/raspberry-pi-zero/[1] for the page
announcing it.  (The video runs on Vimeo and I found that I could only
see it properly by running the URL in VLC.)

Also, the Raspberry Pi Foundation are giving these away for free!  Every
copy of the December edition of the MagPi magazine will include a Pi Zero
on the cover (and apparently subscribers will get the interface cable
(£4) for free as well).

It looks like the Raspberry Pi Foundation are going all out for world
domination :-)
Hi Terry, Is December MagPi mag out yet?
According to one of the comments in the original article, it's been seen in a 
Tesco store.

I was expecting my copy today, (I'm a subscriber), but it wasn't with this 
morning's post.

For what it's worth, B&Q do a USB charger for £2.10. I have one from a couple of years ago, and it is rated at 1000ma, enough to power a RPi.


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