Hi Terry,

> it is bash running on bare metal in a Ubuntu user space with only the
> kernel being windows.
> They don't say so, but it looks a bit like chroot on steroids to me.

I've only read a little bit about this so could well be wrong, but it
seems more like WINE in reverse, except the translation layer is part of
the Windows kernel, "Windows Subsystem for Linux", instead of being a
separate userspace program like wine(1).

Thus it takes ELF-format executables that make syscalls to the Linux
kernel, but a new bit of the Windows kernel is happy to execute those,
compatibility, instead.

The restrictions include: the Linux program's view of the filesystem
being what fits Linux's model;  there's no view of the registry;
Windows' processes aren't visible;  you can't run a Windows executable
like notepad.exe.  It's a bit of a silo, which I guess is your chroot
reference.  These things may improve, they say.

has MS answering in the comments.

Cheers, Ralph.

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