Hi again,

> Questions over how a CPU works, what an assembler does, and how it all
> fits together.  I always recommend this book that explains Boolean
> logic first and has you built a tiny CPU, write an assembler,
> compiler, and virtual-machine runtime for a little language.  The
> Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First
> Principles.  http://amzn.to/1qlmwCy

I'll try and give a very brief overview of the questions' subject.

A high-level programming language lets one write code that looks like

    lives = lives - 1
    if lives == 0 {
        print("Game Over!")

Even if you don't program, it's fairly understandly given the meaningful
variable name, "lives", and the clue from the text string that's being

A compiler is a program that understands a particular high-level
programming language and produces an equivalent program in assembly
language.  This is low-level.  The above becomes

        LDA lives  // Load the accumulator with the contents of address live.
        DEC A      // Decrement accumulator.
        STA lives  // Store the accumulator back to address live.
        BNZ endif  // If the accumulator is non-zero, branch to endif.

        ADR str0   // Place the address str0 into the accumulator.
        PSH A      // Push the accumulator onto the stack.
        JSR print  // Jump to the subroutine, it will return here.

                   // ...Further on.
        .EQUB 3    // Initial number of lives.  (POKE this for more!)
        .EQUS "Game Over!"
        .EQUB 0    // ASCII NUL terminator.

An assembly language is specific to a processor's instruction set, e.g.
x86, amd64, ARM, 6502, Z80, Sparc, POWER, PIC, ...  This means writing
in assembly isn't portable between processors.  In comparison, that
high-level program above can be, and the high-level language needs
learning once to program on many processors whereas assembly language
needs learning afresh each time.

A symbolic assembler is another program that takes the text file
containing that assembly language and assembles it into a file of bytes
containing the bit patterns that the processor needs.  It's a one-to-one
translation, for example a DEC instruction might be a byte where the top
seven bits are ten, 0001010, and the bottom bit is 0 for the accumulator
and 1 for the X register.  `DEC A' is then `00010101' in binary, or 21
in decimal.  Because binary numbers get long quickly, they're often
written in base 16, hexadecimal.  00010101 is 15 in hex.

The above assembly code becomes

    10000100  // LDA lives
    00010101  // DEC A
    10100100  // STA lives
    11101000  // BNZ endif
    01000101  // ADR str0
    00010001  // PSH A
    00111001  // JSR print
              // ...Further on.
    00000011  // .EQUB 3
    01000111  // 'G'.
    01100001  // 'a'.
    01101101  // 'm'.
    01100101  // 'e'.
    00100000  // Space.
    01001111  // 'O'.
    01110110  // 'v'.
    01100101  // 'e'.
    01110010  // 'r'.
    00100001  // '!'.
    00000000  // .EQUB 0

Or as hex,

    84 15 a4 e8 45 11 39 ... 03 47 61 6d 65 20 4f 76 65 72 21 00

Life without an assembler got boring quickly, forging life-long
synapses, as those of us that have done it by hand can attest.
(10 REM 0123456789012...  RET is c9.)

The output from the assembler is the "executable" that later ends up
somewhere where the processor starts to execute it, one instruction at a
time on each signal from the CPU's clock.  The CPU's logic circuits made
from transistors, the embodiment of the instruction set, are fed the
bits making the instruction, with 1 bits being a voltage, and 0 being
ground.  They have the side effect the instruction represents, e.g. `DEC
A', and the CPU starts on the next instruction on the next clock pulse.

There's a bunch of videos working through from the electronics side from
the guy that built the Megaprocessor.
Unlike the book, they're free.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.

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