Hi Terry,

> > Change it back to that and take them to be directory names instead,
> > and `daisy/*.mp3' is what you pass to mpg321 using your existing
> > `sorted(...listdir)' functional-programming thingy.
> > mpg321 has a -l option to loop N times.  If N is 0 then forever.  So
> > your callback starts mpg321 with -l and gives it the sorted list of
> > all the MP3s in the current playlist-directory entry, e.g.
> > `valkyries/*.mp3'.  Then it forgets all about it until it's time to
> > SIGTERM it.
> even if I explicitly change directory to the one containing the files

Don't do that.

> mp3_player = subprocess.Popen(['mpg321', '-q', '-m', '-a', 'hw:0,0', '*.mp3'])

But that's not "using your existing... functional-programming thingy"
mentioned above.

    mp3_files = sorted(os.path.join(mp3_subdir, x) for x in
        filter(lambda f: f.lower().endswith(".mp3"), os.listdir(mp3_subdir)))

There's also glob.glob() that would probably make the above simpler.

    mp3_files = sorted(glob.glob(mp3_subdir + '/*.[Mm][Pp]3'))

mpg321 sees the literal string `*.mp3' and tries to open it.  If it
exists, it would play it.

A raw `*.mp3' in the source don't mean those filenames to Python as it
doesn't glob strings like a shell.  That's why you're doing listdir(),

I think part of the problem here is you're trying to write a program to
meet your needs in Python, not trying to learn Python so you can then
write a program to meet your needs.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.

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