
We were a bit sparse last night with only five of us, but there seemed to be 
plenty to discuss.  I missed quite a bit from the other side of the table 
(Paul was trying to configure OpenMeeting on our side), so perhaps someone can 
fill in some of the blanks.

What I did catch though was the discussion about Python IDEs and the Eric 
tool.  I'd never even heard of it but I've just installed it on this machine 
and I have to say that this is more like the tools that I was used to using 
when I was still working.

The debugger and Python Shell are built in (as with IDLE) but there the 
comparison stops.  Unlike IDLE the debugger actually seems to work (as far as 
I can tell ATM).  I haven't tried on a Pi yet (it seems to be in the 
repository) so I haven't used it in anger much (RPi software generally needs 
the GPIO Libraries which aren't available (or any use) in PC Repositories).

Picking up on Ralph's comment yesterday about debuggers getting in the way of 
real work, I can see that a novice programmer might find the learning curve 
quite steep for this tool.  As a 'semi-novice', I at least know what a 
debugger is trying to do, but I think it will be worth the investment to learn 
the ropes.  On that note, there is one downside - the documentation seems to 
be extremely comprehensive, but a bit daunting as it's a 294 pp PDF ;-) 

Anyway, I thought I'd convey my first impressions in case anyone else hadn't 
come across this tool.


                Terry Coles

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