I can send it to the person who asked me to do it, but it could take a while to hear back, and that person isn't very proficient in computers at all, so useful feedback will likely be rare.

On 25.02.2018 13:31, Hamish MB wrote:
Interesting idea using wine. I don't know if that would work but worth a try. 
I've used py2app before for macOS packaging and its mostly good, if a little 
buggy at times. Would you have a Windows system to test it on?

On 25 Feb 2018, at 12:19, Maqjor Mrx <maqjor.mr<mailto:<a>.x...@gmail.com 
target=_blank>maqjor.mr<http://maqjor.mr>.x...@gmail.com> wrote:

Greetings all, Rafi here,

Lately I've been asked to code a script for someone using Windows. I'm
using Python and don't have a Windows system myself, but would like to
be able to give them a standalone .exe file.

I've been looking into things like Py2exe and Pyinstaller, but they all
require Windows to freeze .exe. Any Idea how I'd go about it on my
machine? Perhaps using wine somehow?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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