On Thursday, 11 October 2018 10:45:39 BST Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Even though you've reverted to KMail, can't you leave Thunderbird
> installed to dabble with, without it being an annoyance because it's
> your only MUA?  Meanwhile, consider
> https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/thunderbird as a place to ask a
> question, e.g. folder subscribing, from those used to answering
> Thunderbird questions.

I haven't uninstalled it.  I've just not launched it.

> I wonder if you should be sending text/plain emails if you want precise
> control over layout, rather than text/html that, depending on what bits
> of HTML they decide to use, and how a recipient's MUA renders them,
> takes presentation out of your hands.

The kind of precise control I want is to hit return once and get a single line 
feed and to be able to interpret the Quote Marks.

I don't use text/html; I've always preferred to use plain text for email, ever 
since HTML in emails became a very effective attack vector about 20 odd years 

I notice that all the text in my messages is MIMEd these days, which is 
slightly annoying because if I save the message to a separate file, I can't 
conveniently read it without a 'helper'.  Thunderbird seemed to do the same 
thing, so I assume it's the default behaviour these days.  I'm not sure why 
since MIME doubles the size of the message on average; it was fine for 
attachments, but it shouldn't be needed for the message body.


                Terry Coles

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