Does anyone know anything about how to configure this for a static address for my Raspberry Pi?

With the latest version of Raspbian [Stretch] They have changed the way that the network  is configured. In the old system I used to paste in my two standard files [Interfaces & wpa_supplicant.conf] and away it went.

I want to have a fixed IP address for my Pi, usually  My DHCP range is from 30 Netmask /27.

The documentation I can find tells me how to add some lines specifying 'static IP = x.x.x.x' etc to fix an IP address, which I have done. This on bootup gives the Raspberry Pi both a DHCP address and the desired static IP, but the DHCP address is the only one that I can work with.

I have removed all of the configuration except for these 'static' lines from dhcpcd.conf, and the result is a DHCP address and no sign of a fixed/static address.

I am using fing on my tablet to see what the IP addresses in the network are. Fing shows the second IP grayed out in the example above.

Aside: On my Talktalk (Dlink) router I can find a device and give a device a reserved IP to it's MAC address, but only in the DHCP address range. It won't let me fix a non-DHCP address.

Any  ideas welcome. The R-Pi forums haven't been much use.


Peter M.

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