Hi Peter,

> https://thepihut.com/blogs/raspberry-pi-tutorials/17789160-backing-up-and-restoring-your-raspberry-pis-sd-card
> To restore, I unmounted the new card after inserting, and
>     /sudo dd bs=4M if=./card4backup.img of=/dev/mmcblk0/
> So Now, Is it my USB-SD card device or something to do with Etcher,
> or?

It's not Etcher because you followed my dd-and-sync instructions,
effectively identical to those from thepihut above if you also did their
instruction to sync, and you got read EIO errors: twice at two different

To narrow down what bit of hardware is at fault, continue to read from
the now known-good card, writing to /dev/null, swapping bits of hardware
in the chain between CPU and card, including cables.  Each time, note
the chain's contents and the result.  A `success' doesn't mean the
chain's good;  you may have just got lucky given the EIOs aren't at
consistent locations, but it adds weight to your deliberations once
you've done a few different chains.  A `fail' is hopefully with the same
error as before;  the location would be worth noting to ensure it keeps
moving, i.e. it's not the card itself.

Cheers, Ralph.

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