Hi Ralph,

Cheers, that makes a lot of sense, thanks for explaining the use case :)

As someone who's mostly worked in Python, I guess I've never seen it used.


On 12/05/2019 09:26, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Hi Hamish,
>> I've heard bad things about goto :)
> Forget all you've heard.  :-)
> The problems with goto date back to languages that offered a one-line
> if-statement that could goto.  No other control-flow than goto existed;
> no while-loop, for-loop, etc.  This included very popular languages that
> were the mainstream, e.g. FORTRAN 77, that I and others here used.
> Unfettered use of conditional goto then created a tangle of flow that
> could be difficult to follow, especially as labels were just numbers and
> didn't need to be in numerical order.  Oh, and labels were also used for
> I/O formatting.  :-)  Thus it was easy for code to `bit rot' into a
> tangle over time.
> Structured used of goto, including conditional goto, was fine.
> It's just your normal control-flow structures written a different way.
> In the 70s, a movement gained ground, Structured Programming, to promote
> this style and goto was tamed.
> But goto still exist, and very useful it is too, allowing flow not
> possible without it without overhead.  Donald Knuth's 1974 paper,
> _Structured programming with go to statements_, is a good read if you
> want to see why.
> https://lxr.missinglinkelectronics.com/linux/fs/file.c#L85 is an example
> from the Linux kernel of its continuing use.
> And of course, behind the scenes, your CPU is doing goto and conditional
> goto all the time; it has nothing higher level.  It also has interrupts,
> that are a goto that can happen without a goto instruction.  :-)
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