** Ralph Corderoy <ra...@inputplus.co.uk> [2019-09-10 10:03]:
> Hi Tim,
> > can anybody recommend any web hosting companies
> ...
> > I am only after a personal hosting packages, any recommendation's
> What do you need?  Does static hosting from something like
> https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages/ that can appear under
> your own domain suffice?  GitHub offers something similar.
> If you want a VM under your control then there's BitFolk, as Paul said.
> https://bitfolk.com/plans.html
> Or for one-page web sites with ready-made templates, try
> https://carrd.co
** end quote [Ralph Corderoy]

I'd forgotten about Github, and hadn't realised Gitlab did the same (although
it makes sense).

The thing that promted me to reply though was the cookie prompt on Gitlab. It
is probably the best I've seen, with a quick description and a few checkboxes
to adjust the options neatly within the popup. I guess they aren't trying to
cover up a raft of tracking and advertising cookies though! Maybe I'm just a
techie and likes to see the technical details clearly :-)

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