On Sunday, 23 February 2020 11:14:43 GMT Terry Coles wrote:
> I'm not skilled in the art of PCB design, but my partially informed guess
> would be 'Drilling Template' layer.

On re-reading the original discussion, I see that the reference is to a DT 
file, rather than a 
DT Layer.  In the context of PCB fabrication the file that we always sent to 
the PCB 
manufacturer was a 'Gerber File' 
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerber_format[1]).  You will 
see from the link that the drilling data forms part of the Gerber file content.

However, the further discussion in your message says:

>    ‘KiCAD works at the level of schematic and it doesn't have a whole
>     lot in terms of what the logical flow of the device is so what it
>     would need is some way to describe the logical connections between
>     the devices and then from that be able to generate a DT file.  That
>     would be incredibly useful.  It would be possible I think to create
>     an ad-hoc tool using a convention on the signal names so going
>     through level shifters would be able to use a signal-name convention
>     to associate components with buses and then from there generate a DT
>     file.’

This doesn't seem to refer to a drilling template at all and the OP seems to 
think that it 
would be useful to allow auto-routing.  At the moment I have no idea whether 
KiCAD can 
do that, let alone provide the drilling data.

BTW, auto-routing is when the software provides the tools to draw the circuit 
diagram of 
the product and the PCB layout is automatically produced with all tracks, 
layers and 
plated-through holes included.  There are free web tools that can do that and 
at one point 
in the WMT development cycle we were evaluating these two:

upverter.com <http://upverter.com/

easyeda.com <http://easyeda.com/

(These are free to but not Free in the FOSS sense.)

In the end, it was cheaper to buy in ready-made modules and link them together 
wires.  We had one PCB design at the proposal stage, but getting the board 
fabricated was 
going to cost us around £30+ for each unless we bought loads and then we had to 
in the cost of the components.  The total cost of the modules needed was 
less, so we abandoned the idea.  However. there's much more labour involved and 
more room for error as I've found over the past 6 months or so ;-(  


                Terry Coles

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerber_format
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