On Mon, 08 Jun 2020 15:43:32 +0100, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
> I don't think I have a way of enforcing that people buy the correct
> version for business, but I could always just have a "Personal Use"
> notice in the title bar or something.

I don't think you can place a restriction like "personal use only" on 
how the GPL-licensed software is used. GPL is GPL.

You could in principle distribute a different version of the software 
depending on which fee is paid, but I think it would be invalid to 
distribute a version with a notice saying "Personal Use", because that 
implies a restriction that's not in the license. At best it's 

If you want to apply limitations, then I think you might have to 
distribute the business version of the software, or some components of 
it that don't appear in the "personal" version, under a different 
license. Doing so may or may not be allowed, depending on any 
restrictions you may have agreed with third parties. (e.g. code 
contributors, library authors, others?)

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