> Unfortunately, these just confirm what I already knew; you can get
> rid of Notes if you disable the middle mouse click behaviour (which
> I use all the time) or uninstall the plasma-widgets-addons Package
> which gets rid of a lot of stuff that I do use.

> I *want* the paste; I probably use that more often than right-click.

For me, removing the middle-click action from the Desktop Settings 
only seems to affect this exact feature; the pasting of new notes, 
where the note didn't exist until the paste occurred.

I can still middle-click to paste anywhere else (including into text 
fields in widgets that are on the desktop). It just stops it from 
pasting anything if I middle click on a region of empty desktop.

What kind of pasting are you unable to do when you change the 
settings? (Maybe you are pasting into files on the desktop?)

Admittedly I am using an older version of the software than you are, 
but I would be surprised (but perhaps not *too* surprised) if they had 
so significantly changed the meaning of the settings.

> Unfortunately, the widgets lock functionality seems to have been
> removed in 5.18.5.

Oh dear. I'll have to brace myself for that change.

I found a discussion which seems to confirm that there is no longer a 
"lock widgets" in 5.18. It mentions the accidental pasting of notes as 
one of the disadvantages:


I'm surprised nobody foresaw the downsides to removing this 
functionality, but I suppose it might result in fewer bugs in the 
long-run, if nobody can work around them by locking widgets.

It looks like the ability to lock widgets is still present, but it is 
no longer exposed in the GUI. The thread contains information about 
other ways to trigger it.

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