On Mon, 14 Dec 2020 at 09:50, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty <hamis...@live.co.uk>

> I was wondering, now that there are multiple vaccines in development/in
> use, whether we still think it's worth doing distributed computing for
> COVID research.

I plan to continue for the moment at least. Even though the aim is to find
something new, which must then go through lengthy safety trials etc, along
the way some other insight might suggest a faster approach using something
pre-existing. In any case, at this point I have no idea when vaccination
might roll out to my age group; it's still possible it would be after a
safety trial of some new discovery.

There are lots of things no-one knows about any of the vaccines, notably
how long they will last, or how long that time compares with the time it
would take to roll out a refresh.

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