On 17/12/2020 21:55, PeterMerchant wrote:
> On 17/12/2020 16:34, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've had enough of VirtualBox's glitchiness, so I'm going to move as
>> many of my VMs to KVM/QEMU with virt-manager as possible. This should
>> also be more performant, or so I hear.
>> I've done this before with Linux VMs and it's fairly easy, but I was
>> wondering if anyone has heard of a way to move an activated Windows
>> install without deactivating it? Mine is an OEM copy, so I'll have to
>> pay for it again if it deactivates.
>> I could of course just leave that one alone, but it'd be good to get
>> them all working in KVM. I sadly have to keep VirtualBox around for a
>> few things, but might as well minimise those.
>> Hamish
> Admin, the next meeting date in the footer needs correcting.
> PM.

NB: I did find a way of doing this, if anyone's interested. Of course,
I'm not suggesting any do this to avoid paying the license fee when they
haven't already paid for the operating system, rather to virtualise an
existing Windows install or move between VM hypervisors on the same

The links:




Provide some useful information for doing this.

In my experience you still have to reinstall the OS, rather than just
cloning, but hopefully this is still useful to someone.


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