Hi Tim H,

> I have an external USB drive

Is it spinning rust, which could be slow to spin up, perhaps more so if
all power comes from USB?

> [E] Can't find snapshots folder.
> If it is on a removable drive, please plug it in.
> Waiting 30 seconds.

What happens after it waits thirty seconds for the already-mounted

Is there anything in the kernel's ring buffer around that time?

    sudo -i dmesg -Hx

> If I check my backup drive it says it is mounted and if I open the
> drive (clicking the icon on the desktop) it will display the folders
> and start the backup

So the back-up program starts without intervention.  Instead of clicking
on the icon, because who knows what that's doing, do something simpler

    ls /media/backup/.../snapshots

> Any suggestion

dmesg is your best next step, I'd have thought.

Do you need the drive mounted all the time?  Could a cron job mount the
drive a minute before the scheduled backup and unmount it when it's
bound to have finished?  The theory being the just-mounted drive will be
up and running and ready to respond, not sleeping to save power.

Cheers, Ralph.

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