
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a message about not being able to find out how to post a bug on launchpad and Ralph kindly pointed out the bit I had missed.  That bug was about Plasma not remembering configuration changes (in this case Klipper).  In the end i posted to both launchpad and the KDE bugtracker, but with no meaningful responses to date.

I decided to do a clean installation of Kubuntu 22.10 to see if the bug was there; it was.  However, my system uses a separate drive to contain /home (sdb), so I tried the whole thing again, ignoring my existing /home and did a clean installation of Kubuntu 22.10 on sda.  The bug was still apparent.

I decided to regress the system to 22.04, since that had worked fine.  Unfortunately a bug relating to MTD devices prevented me from booting up and using this despite a work-round that I found on the Internet.  I had not seen this prior to the upgrade to 22.10.

I then decided to do another clean installation of 22.10; this time all on the same partition, instead of my usual setup of OS on sda and /home on sdb.  This installed OK, but the same bug was apparent.

That's when I made a big mistake.  Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, I managed to delete all the data on sdb, so I now need to re-install again and grab the latest backup, (which is fortunately less than a week old).

This problem with MTD doesn't seem to be confined to the one system.  I have now fallen back on my laptop which I rarely use these days, but is also at 22.10.  It shows the same problem.

So I know I can get my system restored with the really annoying Plasma bug, which is not being addressed as yet.  Ideally, I'd like to regress to 22.04 if possible, but the feedback on the Internet is extremely confusing about the MTD bug.  At least one launchpad contributor says that this error will not stop the system booting, but on this machine, I never get past that message, which is repeated three times at the beginning of the boot cycle.

Can anyone shed any light on this?


        Terry Coles

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