
It's looking unlikely I'll make it tonight.  Possibly because I'm not
much of a clock watcher and my day hasn't recently, bizarrely jumped
forwards an hour.  Still, that's another heart attack avoided.

There were a couple of interesting things I was going to point out.
Both Raspberry Pi related.

An interesting use of an RP2040 to monitor the GameBoy's bus to ship its
own version of what should be on the screen as a USB video-class device.
It emulates the instructions it can see the CPU fetching from the game
cartridge.  http://oughta.be/a/game-boy-capture-cartridge

Turn a Pi Zero 2 W and one of their nifty new cameras into a USB OTG
web cam.

I might pop in very late, but it will probably all be over by then.

Cheers, Ralph.

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