On 06/12/2023 10:16, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
I think Terry's complaint is he has his own domain name and pays IONOS
to host it.  He expect to be able to use anyth...@his-domain.com.
He isn't trying to use other domain names.

If switching provider, these two firms have good reputations.

Thanks Ralph; that is exactly what I'm querying.

IONOS provides the facility to create an unlimited number of email forwards.  I appreciate that many would use this to forward their mail to another mailbox, eg personal mail to a work address or vice versa.  I have used this feature to create aliases or identities ever since I first subscribed to the company about 20 -30 years ago (they were One and One then).  What I can't work out from their description is whether they are restricting the use of all and any aliases or if the ones that they know about from the previously defined forwards are exempt from the ban.

If necessary, I will raise a query with their support team, but they aren't noted for responsiveness, so I thought I would seek clarification here first.

Terry Coles

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