I have a weird effect in my dual- boot laptop.  The laptop has built-in Bluetooth, which has always worked perfectly on Kubuntu, but failed to be identified by Windows (as reported earlier).  I bought a TP-Link Bluetooth Adapter and everything worked fine in Windows, but in Linux, the mouse, was shown paired and connected, but didn't work.  I deleted the original pairing and re-paired, resulting in a working mouse in Windows.

However, back in Windows, the mouse was shown paired and connected, but no longer worked!    I deleted the original pairing and re-paired, resulting in a working mouse in Windows again. Each time I booted into the other OS, I had the same problem.

I've fixed this (temporarily, hopefully) by digging out a wired mouse, but can anyone explain what is going on?  I tried a different Bluetooth mouse for use in Windows, but the problem still occurs, so I'm assuming that the BIOS is remembering the mouse, but storing its identity differently.

Terry Coles

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