On 03/01/2024 14:35, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

     I'm looking to set up a virtual server to send and receive email for
a domain name and store the email for pick-up by users over POP3 and IMAP.
Normally, I'd go for Debian and then configure Exim, Dovecot and others to
provide a Let's Encrypt TLS certificate, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, SpamAssassin,
etc.  It's a long list of things to configure, test, and debug.

     But I was wondering if there's a turn-key off-the-shelf distro which
makes this simpler.  I'm not bothered about a GUI or web configuration
interface.  And it doesn't have to be Linux; I know FreeBSD is quite
popular in this area, historically because of ZFS.

There's a list at https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted#communication---email---complete-solutions.

I'm using https://mailinabox.email/ myself - while not perfect, ticks a lot of boxes.

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