Hi Tim, > I have checked through all the relevant network settings on the NAS > and they are reporting the correct IP and Gateway Address.
The NAS may have the equivalent of /etc/exports which can limit the IP addresses which can mount. > $ mount /media/nas > mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting > What is the IP address of the Linux machine? It is a 192.168.18/24? ‘ip a’ will show the address of each network interface. ‘showmount -e’ may be a useful test as well as ‘rpcinfo’. -- Cheers, Ralph. -- Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2024-02-06 20:00 Check to whom you are replying Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ... http://dorset.lug.org.uk New thread, don't hijack: mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk