Hi, I'm still trying to resolve the issues with the VPN service at the WMT (I've been away for a while, not continuously slogging away at this).
After some extensive testing, I've found that: 1. My static IP Address to the Internet is what my router says it is (established using whatsmyip.org). 2. I can successfully ping my static IP Address from another device not on the same network. The Router logs show no activity when I: a. Ping the IP Address from another device not on the same network. b. Attempt to connect to the VPN Server which is connected to my home network. Port forwarding is set up to allow this, but I would have expected the Router to detect the attempt anyway. Any ideas? -- Terry Coles -- Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2024-06-04 20:00 Check to whom you are replying Meetings, mailing list, IRC, ... http://dorset.lug.org.uk New thread, don't hijack: mailto:dorset@mailman.lug.org.uk