Hi Terry,

> 1.  My static IP Address to the Internet is what my router says it is
> (established using whatsmyip.org).
> 2.  I can successfully ping my static IP Address from another device
> not on the same network.

- Is the pong coming from the router?
- Does it have a ‘pong’ configuration which is currently on?
    - If switched to off, do the pong's cease?
- If you unplug the router from the Internet or turn it off, do the
  pong's stop?

> The Router logs show no activity when I:
> a. Ping the IP Address from another device not on the same network.
> b.  Attempt to connect to the VPN Server which is connected to my home
> network.

Does the attempt work?

> Port forwarding is set up to allow this, but I would have expected the
> Router to detect the attempt anyway.
> Any ideas?

The router might be getting a continual stream of packets.  Logging
those would take a lot of space.  Perhaps it doesn't know the particular
ones of interest to you.  It depends on the router and how configurable
it is.

If you attempt to connect to a TCP port at the static IP address which
is not being listened to, do you get a ‘connection refused’?  If so and
you don't get one for your VPN port then you've reached something which
is listening.  That might be the router forwarding it on.

    $ telnet -4 bitfolk.com 54321
    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Cheers, Ralph.

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