The CProfilerCallBack::JITCompilationStarted function only displays the
method name that is being jitted.

if ( GetMethodNameFromFunctionId( functionId, wszClass, wszMethod ) )
   ProfilerPrintf("JITCompilationStarted: %ls::%ls\n",wszClass,wszMethod);
   ProfilerPrintf( "JITCompilationStarted\n" );

I found that the GetMethodNameFromFunctionId function is a helper function
to find the method name only.

How would we use the JITCompilationStarted() callback to instrument each
method's IL as it is jitted?

Moreover, when I set the DN_PROFILER_MASK to, for example, 0x20, the
profiler crashed. It complained: "Fatal stack overflow error."

Thank you.

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