I am a Windows/Macintosh programmer. have just downloaded the SSCLI.
Working on Mac Version: 10.3.2 - Panther.
GCC : 3.3

The SSCLI folder is saved on my Macintosh desktop. I am unable to setup the
environment let alone build it.

In the Terminal (bash shell) navigate to
/users/gsindhu/Desktop/sscli - path to the SSCLI.

here - ". ./env.sh" Or ". env.sh" gives the following error

'bash: env.sh :line 89: syntax error near unexpected token `in
'bash: env.sh :line 89: `case $ARCHITECTURE in

Can anyone please tell me if we can build and run the SSCLI on 10.3.2 - GCC
3.3 ?.

As soon as i downloaded SSCLI, i read the readfirst.html and tried to setup
the environment for Rotor with no success.
Am i missing anything? Kindly help.


Sindhu Gururaj,
Celstream Technologies Pvt Ltd.

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