On 28 Mar 2007, at 18:15, Timo Sirainen wrote:
- 16. stalled for 16 secs in LOGIN

Try changing http://wiki.dovecot.org/LoginProcess settings, especially
login_process_per_connection=no and see how much it helps.

Sorry I forgot to give my current login and auth settings (which, I have to admit, I thought I'd tuned to be reasonable/generous for the eventual environment)...

login_process_size = 64
login_process_per_connection = no
login_processes_count = 10
#login_max_processes_count = 128
#login_max_connections = 256

#auth_process_size = 256
auth_cache_size = 1024
auth_cache_ttl = 600
#auth_worker_max_count = 30

auth default {
  passdb shadow {
    # [blocking=yes] - See userdb passwd for explanation
    #args =

  userdb passwd {
# [blocking=yes] - By default the lookups are done in the main dovecot-auth # process. This setting causes the lookups to be done in auth worker
    # proceses. Useful with remote NSS lookups that may block.
# NOTE: Be sure to use this setting with nss_ldap or users might get
    # logged in as each others!
    #args =

Also you could use logout=0 parameter to imaptest to avoid the
login/logout overhead.

Re-running the test with logout=0 didn't help :-( ...

% ./imaptest10 user=test%03d host=testserver.imap.york.ac.uk clients=50 mbox=./dovecot.mbox msgs=1000 secs=30 logout=0
Logi List Stat Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe
100%  50%  50% 100% 100% 100%  50% 100% 100% 100%
                          30%                  5%
   5    1    1    5    1    0    0    0    0    0  25/ 25 [50%]
   3    2    0    2    0    0    0    0    0    0  34/ 34 [68%]
   3    1    2    3    0    0    0    0    0    0  43/ 43 [86%]
   1    1    1    2    0    0    0    0    0    0  46/ 46 [92%]
   2    1    1    3    0    1    1    1    1    1  50/ 50
   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  50/ 50
   2    2    1    3    0    0    0    0    0    0  50/ 50
   2    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0  50/ 50
   0    1    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0  50/ 50
   1    1    1    1    0    1    0    1    1    1  50/ 50
Logi List Stat Sele Fetc Fet2 Stor Dele Expu Appe
100%  50%  50% 100% 100% 100%  50% 100% 100% 100%
                          30%                  5%
   2    0    1    3    1    0    0    0    0    0  50/ 50
   1    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0  50/ 50
   1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0  50/ 50
   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  50/ 50
   1    1    2    2    0    1    0    1    1    1  50/ 50
- 12. stalled for 16 secs in LOGIN
- 13. stalled for 16 secs in LOGIN
- 15. stalled for 16 secs in LOGIN
   1    0    1    2    0    0    0    0    0    0  50/ 50
- 12. stalled for 17 secs in LOGIN
- 13. stalled for 17 secs in LOGIN
- 15. stalled for 17 secs in LOGIN
- 17. stalled for 16 secs in LOGIN
- 19. stalled for 16 secs in LOGIN
- 20. stalled for 16 secs in LOGIN
- 21. stalled for 16 secs in LOGIN
- 24. stalled for 16 secs in LOGIN

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