On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 04:05:55PM -0700, Kenneth Porter wrote:

> >A few new small features and lots of index/mbox fixes. I've been heavily
> >stress testing this release, so I think it should be about perfect. :)
> *Features*?! In an rc?! No wonder there's no convergence.
> [snip]
> So please, no more features in these rc's! Just lock it down and ship it 
> and let people get some experience with it, so I'll know exactly what to 
> expect when *I* install it.

I have to agree with you on this.  I'm relatively new with Dovecot and
have been evaluating it for deployment in a production environment.  I
must say that Dovecot has the most unusual development method of a
large-scale project I've seen.

There have been so many show-stopping bugs in the past 10 releases
that I wouldn't even consider this a candidate for a Beta release
at this point, let alone a production release.

I'm very appreciative of all the hard-work the author(s) have put into
this, but I think at some point they need to take a hard-look at the
way they develop and release distributions.  It seems extremely sloppy
and I know it's confusing to others besides myself.

Dean Brooks

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