Thanks for your help. I suspected as much. I use procmail as the LDA.


Timo Sirainen wrote:
On Sun, 2007-04-08 at 13:18 -0600, Mel Llaguno wrote:

I've compiled the latest release candidate of dovecot and I am encountering a strange problem when mail is delivered. I have my installation configured to use Maildir. When messages arrive, they are placed in the correct user directory, but the ownership for individual messages is set to root and the group set to mail.
-rw-------  1 root mail 1805 2007-04-08 13:02 _AqG.VxTGGB.mjolnir:2,

What delivers the mails to maildir? You're not using Dovecot LDA because
Dovecot doesn't create filenames like this. So your problem really has
nothing to do with Dovecot, but rather the configuration of your MTA or
mail delivery agent.

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