Charles Marcus wrote:
Richard Laager wrote:
On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 21:46 +0300, Timo Sirainen wrote:
I'm planning on keeping v1.1 almost completely compatible with v1.0.
There could be some minor configuration file changes, but for most
people v1.0's dovecot.conf should work with v1.1.

Please, this needs to be "Everyone's v1.0 dovecot.conf will work in
v1.1." If you're going to change the configuration file format even in
some subtle way, please bump the major version.

Well, there is room for argument here... I would call a 'minor' version going from 1.0 to 1.0.1. For these increments, I totally agree.

However, going from 1.0.x to 1.1 is obviously a larger change, and I don't see a problem with *minor* config file changes, as long as they are well documented - and Timo has never failed to do that.

Agreed, Dovecot was released as 1.0.0 for precisely this reason, I imagine. That being the case, 1.0 -> 1.1 should be seen as a significant update (at least worth reading for incompatibilities).

In virtually every case, I imagine Timo would also provide backwards compatibility, so it would be a non-issue...

Likewise with plugin support... if you're going to break API or ABI,
please bump the major version. It's easy enough to avoid breaking
compatibility gratuitously. People do not expect configuration files
to need changing between minor releases and they'll be quite upset if
things break.

Agree - but anyone who upgrades *anything* without reading the release notes is asking for trouble.

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