Hello everyone,

I'm using Dovecot (v1.0.beta3-3ubuntu5.4 under Ubuntu) with postfix and
LDA with virtual users. Everything is working fine.

To filter mails I use the Dovecot Sieve feature. But I get some strange
error for one simple Sieve script:

require "fileinto";

if header :contains ["to", "Cc", "Bcc"] ["[EMAIL PROTECTED]"] {
        fileinto "Mailinglists.FreeWRT";

elseif header :contains ["to", "Cc", "Bcc"]
        fileinto "Mailinglists.getmail";

This is the error I get in mail.log:

May  6 15:47:08 gehirnschnecke deliver: sieve parse error for
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: line 8: syntax error, unexpected IF, expecting '{'

After studying sieve.info my sieve script should be correct. What could
be wrong here?

Thanks & best regards

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