On May 16, 2007, at 7:21 PM, Timo Sirainen wrote:

It's not supposed to be renamed. The most important reason why the
renaming is done at all is so that convert plugin doesn't try to convert the same mailboxes twice. It's enough to rename the mbox root directory
for that. I think renaming INBOX could just cause problems.

The WIKI sounds like it should be renamed to something, too.

Any suggestions how to change it so it doesn't sound like that? I
thought it was pretty clear. :)

Perhaps change this:

Once everything is finished, ~/mail is renamed to ~/mail-converted and at next login the conversion isn't done, because the ~/mail directory no longer exists.

to this:

Once everything is finished effected directories are renamed: ~/mail is renamed to ~/mail-converted, etc. and at next login the conversion isn't performed because the ~/mail directory no longer exists. Mail files, such as the INBOX (~/var/mail/$USERNAME) are not renamed.


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