* Stewart Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I now have Dovecot in production and things are apparently trouble-free. The 
> one known problem is that initial client inbox load can take 30 seconds - 2 
> minutes.  For instance:

Initial? Initial after what? I guess the index is being rebuilt, cold
that be?

> 'I got fed up waiting and went and got coffee'...this with a 3MB mbox 
> inbox...and my mail server is a substantial machine consuming 25% CPU just 
> for this person's IMAP session.


> I realize that a certain amount of performance piggishness is inevitable 
> with large mbox inboxes (the prize goes to the user with a 500MB inbox).  
> Eventually, I plan to move to maildir format, but for now I'm here.  Also, 
> we have legacy requirement for procmail, so I can't currently use deliver.
> Questions:
> 1) Any tuning I can do to improve this?

Use deliver to rebuild the index wehenever a mail is delivered.

Ralf Hildebrandt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Postfix - Einrichtung, Betrieb und Wartung       Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155
"The percentage of users running Windows NT Workstation 4.0 whose PCs
stopped working more than once a month was less than half that of Windows
95 users."-- microsoft.com/ntworkstation/overview/Reliability/Highest.asp

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