On 2 Aug 2007, at 16:19, Nicolas STRANSKY wrote:

This applied and compiled well with v1.0.3.

The patches applied (with fuzz and offsets) to 1.0.3 and compiled OK under Solaris 10 with Sun's C compiler.

However when I try and start Dovecot I get:

Edlopen(/usr/local/dovecot-1.0.3/lib/dovecot/imap/ failed: imap: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/dovecot-1.0.3/lib/dovecot/imap/ symbol xdr_getquota_args: referenced symbol not found
Error: imap dump-capability process returned 89
Fatal: Invalid configuration in /usr/local/dovecot-1.0.3/etc/ dovecot.conf

What am I missing?

(The especially annoying thing is that xdr_getquota_args is used in the test program included in the source code I sent out a few days ago and that worked... but I can't spot what is different in the linking/runtime.)

Mike B-(

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