On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 03:21:20PM -0700, Patrick - South Valley Internet wrote:
> We just migrated away from our AIX machines which were running Postfix 
> and UW-IMAP.  We're now running Postfix with Dovecot.  I already 
> converted everyone's mbox file to maildir, but now I'm having a little 
> troubles with how to exactly populate their IMAP folders.  People are 
> saying they cannot see their folders.  These 'folders' they are talking 
> about can be found in their /home directory.

We just moved from HPUX to linux and there we had the problem, that with IMAP
and UW-IMAPd you had to specify a Folder Path in the client. With Dovecot and
Maildir you don't need this.

Check if your users have set this folder path. That solved a lot of problems


If you have problems in Windows: REBOOT
If you have problems in Linux:   BE ROOT

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